Eva's Mother

ISBN: 9788896176511
publisher: Neo Edizioni
year: 2017
pages: 195


A mother talks to her daughter in a Serbian clinic. On the other side of a door the operating theatre is being prepared. Eva has just turned eighteen and has been looking forward to this moment since the day she was born. She wants to change sex, by having the operation that will make her what she has always felt she is – a man.

In an unanswered dialogue, half-way between the imagined and the real, the mother recounts the story of their lives up to that moment, walking along its paths as if travelling in a foreign land. Her voice is vivid and describes a fight in which there are no losers and no winners. It is out of the question for one to surrender to the other. The subtle drama originates in the body. It is the body that is wrong. The body that a mother gave to her daughter and which both of them are now ready to renounce.


Silvia Ferreri: La madre de Eva
Edicola, 2018 (Chile)
Silvia Ferreri: La mère d'Eva
Éditions Hervé Chopin, 2020 (Francia)