Obsolete Objects in the Literary Imagination
Ruins, Relics, Rarities, Rubbish, Uninhabited Places, and Hidden Treasures
ISBN: 9788806223465
publisher: Einaudi
year: 2015
pages: 547
Obsolete Objects in the Literary Imagination is a monumental work of literary history and criticism comparable in scope and achievement to Eric Auerbach’s Mimesis. Francesco Orlando explores Western literature’s obsession with outmoded and nonfunctional objects (ruins, obsolete machinery, broken things, trash, etc.). Combining the insights of psychoanalysis and literary-political history, Orlando traces this obsession to a turning point in history, at the end of eighteenth-century industrialization, when the functional becomes the dominant value of Western culture.
Roaming through every genre and much of the history of Western literature, the author identifies distinct categories into which obsolete images can be classified and provides myriad examples. The function of literature, he concludes, is to remind us of what we have lost and what we are losing as we rush toward the future.